Welcome to the Rose Research Group!

Prospective Graduate Students:
please contact Prof Rose, and apply to UT Austin!

Interested Undergraduates:
Inorganic synthesis, organic synthesis, semiconductor electrochemistry positions available
Please email ugapplication.rose@gmail.com if interested

Follow us on Twitter @RoseLabUT

Events & Posts

8/24/24     Summer group outing time! We like to find interesting spots around Austin for group events, and this time we went to Cidercade! This is a really cool arcade/ cider bar with cool games and great flavors. See if you can find Evey Rose in the photo – she was feeling a little shy

8/8/24     The 2nd Gerischer Electrochemistry Today symposium was a great success! This conference was a great place to gain a deep understanding of the state of the art in the PEC/Solar Fuels field. The Rose group made a strong showing, but Claire stole the show with her fantastic ten minute talk discussing EIS! For more details, see her paper below 😉

7/8/24     Claire’s hard work comes to fruition! An in-depth perspective on how the Rose group has been using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy to study densities of states on our silicon wafers. This paper also brings germanium chemistry to our group, with the icing on the cake being the DOS features that can be seen in the germanium band structure! An all-around great study in JACS.

5/17/24    Alec pushes forward Jordan’s work on flexible ligand scaffolds with an in depth study of selenanthrene and its oxides, using VT NMR and nice computations to aid in comparison in a nice study in Inorganic Chemistry.

5/10/24    Another year, another set of goodbyes to a great crop of senior undergraduate students, now Longhorn alumni. Cayden Jasek is headed to UIUC for Chemistry PhD program in the fall. Evalyn Wilber will remain a familiar face on UT campus!  She will begin the Materials Science PhD program in the fall. Josselyn De Leon will become a Texas A&M Aggie in the fall in their Chemistry PhD program. And Brett Boyle is headed off to Golden, CO for a position at NREL (and to explore the beautiful outdoors and climbing). Zoie Craven is headed into industry, with a promising career ahead. We are so proud of our graduates. They have been a great group of young scientists, and we are all very excited to see what comes next! Below is Dr Rose congratulating them on the receipt of the undergraduate ‘Welch Medal’ that all BS Chemistry majors receive in the Department ceremony.

4/26/24   Congratulations to graduating undergrads Zoie Craven and Brett Boyle on presenting their Capstone posters! Really nice summaries of the synthetic work they both did in the hydrogenase subgroup during their time here.

2/26/24   This is a big one for the Boss:  Solo-first author JACS Perspective demonstrating how to translate the group theory nomenclature of silicon band structure (Bloch sums) into Mulliken terms so you can build SALCs and MO diagrams between molecules and silicon wavefunctions!  A 2-year passion project come to fruition!  ALL the character tables!

1/29/24   Congrats to Gabriella and former postdoc Jacob for a nice paper in Langmuir on the effect of Si-surface functionalization on PDI crystal morphology — our first of many collaborative papers to come with UT Chemistry colleague Prof Sean Roberts’ group!

4/20/23  We had a great time at the Rose Group 10-Year Reunion Party on April 15, 2023!  Hands up for 10 Years of great research and great fun!

3/8/23   Jordan publishes a nice paper in Dalton Trans highlighting the role of flexible scaffolds in accelerating ligand substitution kinetics.

1/11/23  The Rose Group 10-year Reunion Party is happening on Saturday, April 15th!  IYKYK

10/12/22  Congrats to our collaborative team of Sean Goralski (Rose Group) and Laura Salonen (Univ of Vigo, Spain) on Chem Comm paper detailing the varying catalytic reactivity of a Re-Anth-py2 catalyst embedded in a COF.

5/6/22   Liam and Brenna publish a beautiful synthetic and computational in-depth study of Geometric Effects vs Spin-Orbit coupling effects on molecular magnetism of the first paramagnetic Antimony-Cobalt complexes.  Dukes up! (definitely in the Top 3 Rose Group TOC graphics!)

12/5/21  Sean publishes a nice article on emerging platforms for Artificial Metalloenzymes (ArMs) in special issue of Curr. Opin. Chem. Biol., guest-edited by our own Prof Emily Que!

9/10/21  Spencer and former postdoc Jun publish a revealing Chem Sci paper about both desirable and undesirable pathways of H2 activation and hydride transfer in our [Fe]-H2ase synthetic models

7/2/21   Congrats to Joey on authoring the Rose Group’s 50th paper!  Woohoo!  A testament to all the great Grads, Undergrads and Postdocs that have made the group what it is.  It is a solid report in JPCC on the attachment and (photo)electrochemical behavior of POMs on passivated Si(111).

Abstract Image

6/2/21     A huge congratulations to our recent graduates! Not even a global pandemic can stop Rose Groupers from accomplishing great things!

Dylan Boucher, Ph.D. (postdoc with Shelley Minteer, Univ of Utah, Electrochemistry NSF-CCI)

Joseph Gurrentz, Ph.D. (Eagleton Science & Policy Fellow and Policy Analyst, NJ Senate)

4/18/21   A belated welcome to our new 1st Year grad students!  Cade, Emily, Claire & Gabriella

4/5/21     We are thrilled to share that Caitlyn Cobb has been awarded a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship! Caitlyn is the first graduate student in the group to earn this prestigious fellowship.

2/17/21    an out-of-the-ordinary post for an out-of-the-ordinary event!  Snow-storm in Austin….. we’ll probably never see this again……

2/5/20    Dylan brings his long-running Experimental/Computation project on Si-R Function and Electronic Structure to fruition in JACS! Much kudos also to Kara and Elif Ertekin (UIUC) on the computational collaboration!

12/1/20   Chris and Caitlyn publish in Angew Chem! This is a great paper about our unique synthetic method to make iron-carbide-sulfide/thiolate clusters relevant to the nitrogenase FeMoCo.

8/25/20   Spencer publishes the “story of the scaffold” in Accounts of Chemical Research detailing the Rose Group’s use of anthracene-scaffolded ligands in modeling [Fe]-hydrogenase.

5/5/20     Let’s hear it for the Rose Group PhD class of 2020! This will certainly be the only time in our group’s history that grads can get away with wearing Crocs or sweatpants to their defense!

Spencer Kerns, PhD (Postdoc with Andy Borovik at UC Irvine)

Patrick Shupp, PhD (Postdoc at Argonne National Lab)

Chris Joseph, PhD (Postdoc with Serena DeBeer at the Max Plank Institute for Energy Conversion)

3/12/20   Congrats to Joey on his first paper, a great one in JACS!  Shows how critical is the Catalyst|Semiconductor Interplay. Non-Catalytic benefits of attaching HER catalysts to Si.

2/27/20    First Collaboration with NREL!  Grad student Dylan and former Rose PhD (now NREL postdoc with Nate Neale) Ryan Pekarek publish on flat-band (V-fb) effect of Pt on Si|TiO2|in Pt PEC/MV2+.  Published in a “Dick Crooks 65th B-day” Special Issue of ChemElectrochem!

2/25/20  Congrats to Sean on his first paper!  Nice contribution in Organometallics about Nickel-pyridone complexes. And, Prof Rose’s first ever paper in OM!  (don’t worry, there were Term Symbols….)

2/4/20   Sam reports on H2 activation in a ‘Hybrid’ system of a biomimetic/phosphine Fe system related to [Fe]-Hydrogenase. Nice work, Sam! now in Inorg Chem

11/27/19  Patrick publishes nice paper in Dalton Trans on facile C-H activation in methyl-capped Fe-S-CO clusters! H-atom abstraction like N2ase biogenesis?

10/2/19   Brenna publishes her first paper! Isolation and structure of a Bismuth-Iodo Nano-Square in Inorg Chem. Crazy main group chemistry!

Backdated to 5/15/19  Big Congrats to the Rose Group PhD class of 2019!  Ryan, Sam and Liam all earn PhD!!

Zhulin (Sam) Xie, PhD (postdoc at Argonne)

Liam V. Taylor, PhD

Ryan T. Pekarek, PhD (postdoc at NREL)

9/30/19   Check out our first collaboration with the DeBeer group at Max Plank Institute for Energy Conversion!  Nice work Jeremy, George and Chris! The carbide now slightly less mysterious…..

9/10/19   Congrats to Yae In and former postdoc GDP! Nice paper in Inorg Chem on the critical role of Fe-acyl trans orientation for H2 activation

7/1/19    Rose Group, Roberts Group (UT) and Joel Eaves (CU Boulder) awarded $1M Keck Foundation grant!  New studies on Si|singlet-fission materials coming your way!

4/25/19  Congrats to Liam on publishing a really thorough paper on Antimony-supported Cu4I4 Cuboids and NIR Luminescence. The article was selected by the IC Editors for a Complementary Front Cover and as an ACS Editors Choice 365! (one ACS paper per day highlighted on ACS website)

2/15/19   Great News!  Dr. Rose has earned Promotion and Tenure! Thanks to all the Grads, Postdocs and Undergrads for tremendous effort and fun since starting up the Rose Group.  We did it!

1/5/19   Congrats to Dylan and undergrad James on publishing a nice collaborative paper in the new journal ACS Applied Energy Materials with Frank Osterloh at UC Davis. Distinguishing SRV from carrier dynamics in p-Si|R|TiO2 devices.

9/20/18  Congrats to Ryan and Kara on their JACS paper!  A really great study using experiment and theoretical approach (DFT and device modeling) to probe charge transport on Si|R|TiO2 interfaces.A big thanks to our great collaborators Elif Ertekin (UIUC) and Angus Rockett (Colorado Miness)!

7/21/18  Here’s our 2018 T-shirt design Logo.  Undergrad Phillips did the free-hand artwork of the rose and gothic letters — thanks, Phillips!

7/12/18  Also check out Sam’s IC paper on the origins of thermal lability (and stability) of the iron(II) dicarbonyl motif in synthetic mono-[Fe] hydrogenase models. The organometallic Fe-C bond is essential!

7/12/18  Check out Liam’s nice Liam’s nice IC paper on deposition of nickel metal from a series of antimony-ligated nickel(II) complexes. An unexpected application borne from the synthesis of new compounds.

5/19/18   Big Congratulations to our first 2 PhD Graduates!  Taylor Manes, PhD; and Yae In Cho, PhD!

5/15/18   Our publication on the H2fromH2O Outreach Project comes out in J Lab Chem EdCheck it out!  Thanks to Ryan for his overall leadership role on this!


5/3/18   Congrats to Ryan on his first 1st author Paper!   A paper in Langmuir about synthetic + steric spacing of molecular units on Si(111).

2/20/18   Chris publishes an Fe5Mo-carbide cluster Communication in Inorg Chem!  Reductive selectivity in reducing C(triple-bond)C to cis-C=C bonds:

Abstract Image

1/20/18   Congrats to Spencer on our first Angew Chem paper!  named an ACIE *VIP* Paper!  First thiolate-containing anthracene H2ase model compound that does hydride transfer

10/28/17  Taylor contributes our first review article.  A nice look at Scaffold-based ligands in Coord Chem Rev. Link!

10/28/17  A nice paper in Dalton by Sam and GDP on Iron-Carbamoyl complexes and their reactivity in substitution reactions

7/20/17  Congrats to Patrick on his first paper — a nice one on Fe-S-carbonyl reactivity

Graphical abstract: Synthesis and interconversions of reduced, alkali–metal supported iron–sulfur–carbonyl complexes

6/15/17  Congrats to Jun, Eileen, Tim Sotman and other UG contributors for their CF3-pyridone article in Tetrahedron!

4/27/17  Hexa-Iron Carbido Carbonyl clusters.  Our first foray into iron-carbide chemistry

2/1/17  Nature Chem paper.  Congrats to Jun and Taylor!


2/9/17  Grad student Ryan and H2fromH2O featured on the College website about his participation in our outreach program!

10/22/16 Rose Group Outing at Pease Park! Grilling, Games, and Ninja!

10/17/16  Congrats to Kara, Hark Jin and Luc on their Si|TiO2|Pt paper accepted to J Phys Chem C.  A combined experimental / theoretical approach from the Rose and Rockett (Colorado Mines) groups!  Link


8/10/16  Yae In and Meredith’s paper on Magnetism of Co-F-Co Dimers published in Dalton Transactions — check it out here


8/1/16  A bit overdue, but Welcome to the Group!, a new crop of undergrads to keep pushing our science forward!   James, Clarisse, Ben, Isha and Dan!


7/15/16  Mike receives 2016 Cottrell Scholar Award, and presents Heavy Atom Ligation research and ‘Undergraduate Outreach Corps’ plan at the RCSA conference in Tucson


6/17/16  Mike presents poster on Iron-Carbide-Sulfur chemistry at Metallocofactors GRC.  An awesome meeting —  Hydrogenase, Nitrogenase and more!

5/20/16  Congrats to our graduating class of Undergrad Researchers:  Meredith, Beth and David!   On to your next challenge!


5/15/16  Congrats to our undergrad Doran the Explorer who will head to Caltech for a summer REU with Harry Gray!

doran the explorer

5/10/16   Taylor publishes a nice paper in IC on Anthracene-scaffold supported Manganese Carbonyls!


5/6/16  Congrats to Owen on ChemComm paper accepted!  Group’s first paper on GaP|catalyst assembly for CO2 reduction


3/25/16  Hark Jin and Dan Redman (Stevenson group) co-author collaborative paper on MoS2 photodeposition and HER on Si-R functionalized photocathodes


3/24/16  Congrats to Liam on the group’s first Antimony paper!  Let the reign of Sb commence!   A neat Sb-Cu Cube with NIR Luminescence


3/15/16  We welcome new UG Dan Ceglia to the group!

1/7/16  Ring in the New Year with Hark Jin and Jun’s Si|AZO|PNP-Ni paper in ACS Appl Mater Interface!


10/23/15  Congrats to Taylor on the ICC paper!  First paper implementing our Anthracene scaffold


10/23/15  better late than never…… we welcome UGs Stephanea & Eileen, as well as new grad Joey to the group — welcome!

IMG_1156 IMG_1159

9/25/15  Congrats to GDP and Sam — nice paper on Fe-Hydride in Inorg Chem


9/15/16  Grad students Dylan and Joey officially join up — welcome!


8/22/2015  Girlstart Outreach Program a Resounding Success!
H2fromH2O brought water splitting to over 300 middle school girls and encouraged STEM education!

Girls start 2

Girls start 1

7/25/2015  1st Annual Summer Fun Picture


7/7/2015   Congrats to Feng & Tori on their paper in Langmuir!
the wires for ET are now a reality…..


5/22/2015  Congrats to our graduating Undergrads!  Tori, Azim, Truc, Kenny, Luc and Chase


5/22/2015  Congrats to Jun & Ryan on their ChemComm paper:  Functional Ni-PNP H2 catalyst attached to Si photoelectrode! Link or click TOC Graphic


4/8/2015    Congrats to Owen, and Hark Jin + Kara on their Dalton and ACS Appl Mat Intfc papers (respectively).  Click on TOC below….

Si-Al2O3-Pt_TOCHark Jin’s Appl Intfc Mat


Owen’s Dalton

3/14/2015   Spring Break!  Inorganic Kickball Saturday!  Fun times….



3/24/2015   Group members attend Denver ACS — nice posters guys!
Watch out for Denver’s Big Blue Bear ? !


3/19/2015  Congrats to Keren on the Hydrogenase paper in EJIC


2/25/2015  Congrats to Jun, Harkjin and Ryan on their new JACS paper!
A nice mix of surface, organic and materials chemistry mixed with photoelectrochem and Energy!


12/10/2014  Welcome new UG Beth to the Group — You’re official !


11/21/2014  Rose Group UGs present posters at Southwest Regional ACS in Ft Worth.
Great job guys!


10/28/14  Congrats to Feng and Tori on their Si(111) Steric Spacing paper in ACS Appl Mat & Interface


10/24/14  Check out Jun and Azim’s new paper in Comments in Inorganic Chemistry


10/15/14  Welcome new grad student Felicia to the Group, SC/Wires project


7/1/14  Welcome to a new crop of Grads: Patrick, Spencer and REU Chris is back!

patrick_public_pic (533x800)spencer_public_pic (533x800)chrisjo_public_pic (533x800)

6/2/14  Welcome new Summer REU, Dylan (Allegheny College) and UG Meredith (UT)

dylan_public_pic (533x800)meredith_new2014_public_pic (533x800)

5/3/14  Congratulations to the group’s first Graduating UG’s: Simone, Kara, David, Tim
Congrats to former members Bryan & Christian, too!
Undergrads-graduating-20144/29/14  Simone’s Mn-carbonyl paper accepted to Dalton — Congrats
Mn-CO_NNS_TOC_Corrected3/10/14  Our new postdoc, Kuppu, joins the group — Welcome
Kuppu2/14/14  UG Kara receives Semiconductor Research Corporation scholarship

2/1/14  Welcome to our new Postdoc, Hark Jin, to the Solar Fuels project
Hark-Jin_crop1/26/14  Mike presents poster at Metals in Biology Gordon Conference

1/20/14  Mike presents poster at Solar Fuels Gordon Conference

1/10/14  New batch of Undergrads for the New Year: Azim, Meredith, Chase, Luc, Truc
Hannah-007 - Version 2luc_public_pic Fun Pic 2truc_public_pic Chase_public_pic 


12/10/13 Congrats to Kara! Top 4 in the Chem Eng undergrad poster session

11/6/13  Yae In’s Cobalt Peroxo Paper accepted to Inorg Chem (group’s 1st paper!)
Co-Peroxo_Cats-Cradle11/5/13  It’s official: grad student Liam joins the group
Liam_Public_Pic - Crop11/5/13  Prof Rose receives Dreyfus Foundation award to develop and expand the
H2fromH2O project

9/4/13  Welcome to 2 more new Grads: Sohini and Samuel

8/1/13  Say hi to our new postdoc! Junhyeok from Brown U

7/2/13  Welcome to our 2 new Grad students: Ryan and Taylor

7/1/13  The renovated main lab is open!

6/3/13  Welcome to our new crop of undergrads: Tim, Tori & Kenny and REU Chris

5/31/13  Welcome to our new postdoc, Feng Li, to work on the Solar Fuels project

5/27/13  Prof Rose receives ORAU Junior Faculty Award to support synthetic modeling of mono-[Fe] Hydrogenase

5/25/13  Prof Rose selected for Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award to support Hybrid Molecular/Materials Semiconductor Solar Fuels project

5/21/13  Rose group receives ACS/PRF grant to explore role of heavy atom ligation in

4/1/13  Kara and David (UG’s) join the group

3/8/13   Our new postdoc GDP arrives
GDP_website2/25/13  Owen joins the group! dual citizenship with Cowley group

2/19/13  Congrats Simone on receiving a UT Undergraduate Research Fellowship (URF)

2/11/13  Potentiostats are up and running

1/23/13  Mike attends & presents poster at Metals in Biology Gordon Conference

12/12/12 Glovebox #1 up and running

11/05/12 Mike gives invited talk at Southwest Regional ACS

10/11/12 First crystal structure!

9/26/12   Welcome UGs Bryan and Christian

9/12/12   Welcome to the group to our first undergrad: Simone

9/06/12   First reactions!

9/05/12   We welcome Yae In and Keren to the Group!

9/01/12   Let the great experiment begin!

UT Austin Chemistry